Trash Datathon 2021

Join us for a day of digging through trash-related data

January 27, 28, 2021

10:00am-3:00pm PST 

About the Event

Sponsored by the State Water Board's Office of Information Management and Analysis, this Trash Datathon is an opportunity to gather with like-minded individuals and tackle challenging and urgent problems. This Datathon will build upon past efforts to share innovations in the understanding of California's trash data. Among topics to cover are:

This Datathon will complement the upcoming CA Water Data Challenge, providing participants with the potential to refine ideas for later submission.

You are Welcome Here

All are welcome! However, registration is required.

We are interested in learning more about you: your expertise, resources, and professional role. This will help tailor the event to you and your interests.

We will also share more specific information about the online event.

Therefore, we ask that you please complete the survey below:

Tobacco product waste (TPW) group discussion and sorting matrix

2020 Trash Events

The State Water Board’s Office of Information Management and Analysis plans to host the following events in 2020, which will focus on addressing some of the questions above. Mark your calendars for the following events: 

More details on specific topics and event logistics coming soon!

If you  are interested in hosting, collaborating with the State Water Boards, or participating in an event that will tackle some of these questions, please let us know by filling out our Trash Stakeholder Questions Survey

Interested in learning more about trash monitoring?